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Gino Severini (Italy, 1883-1966)

Tango argentine

Painting, oil on canvas, 1912 approx., 70 x 54 cm

Signed Argentina, Italy





Xavier Sager (France, 1870-1930)

The tango (Le tango)

Print, lithograph, color, postcard, 1912 approx.





Sem tango. The most Parisian of tangos

(Sem tango. Le plus parisien des tango)

Drawing, 1913

Program of the Olympia music hall in Paris





Thé tango (Tango tea)

Print, lithograph, color, 1913, Germany






Print, lithograph, color, 1913 approx., France





The ideal wife (Die ideale Gattin)

Print, lithograph, color, 1913, Germany

Operett. Tango. Music by Franz Lehàr.





The tango

Print, 1913





"They play " "The tango" by Mr and Mrs Richepain

("On joue " "le Tango" de Mr. et Mme. Richepain)

Print, 1913, France





Sonia Delaunay (France, 1885-1979)

The Bal Bullier dance hall, or Tango at the Bal Bullier

(Le Bal Bullier or Tango au Bal Bullier

Painting, oil on canvas à matelas, 1913,  97 x 390 cm, Paris

The ballroom Bullier was located at 31 avenue de l'Observatoire, in the Montparnasse district of Paris.





Sonia Delaunay (France, 1885-1979)

Tango Magic-City

Painting, oil on canvas, 1913, 55.4 x 46 cm, Paris

In 1913 the tango, a new dance from Argentina, was launched in Paris.





Xavier Sager (France, 1870-1930)

Tango Print

Lithograph, color, 1913





Tango tea

Print, lithograph, color, 1913, Germany





José Simont (Spain, 1875-1968)

The tango lesson (La leçon de tango)

Print, drawing, 1913, 31 x 48.3 cm

Greece, Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection





Müller, E.

The tango under the dome (Le tango sous la coupole)

Print, lithograph, color, poster, 1913, France





The tango in the ball-room, as letters in the papers from amateur social reformers would have us imagine it… and as we have actually seen it.

Print, sketch, humor, caricature, 1913, U.K.





Hans Fritsch (Germany, 1870-1945)

Tango evenings at the Tango Club (Tango-Abende im Tango-Klub)

Print, lithograph, color, 1913

Music cover





Thé tango (Tango tea)

Print, lithograph, color, 1914, Paris





Georges Lepape (France, 1887-1971)

The God Tango (Le Dieu Tango)

Painting, gouache and gold, 1814, 36 x 26 cm, Paris

Now peeled





La rumba, tango Argentine

by J. Tim Brymn, as danced by Monsieur Maurice and Miss Florence Walton         

Print, lithograph, 1914 approx., U.K.

The Waltons gave a seven-minute tango demonstration at a ball given in London by the grand duke Michael of Russia.





Vasily Kamensky (Russia, 1884-1961)

Tango with cows (Tango s korovami)

Collage, printed by letter press on the reverse of stencil printed wallpaper, 1914, 20 x 20 cm

Verse by the artist, part of two ferroconcrete poems.





Georges Lepape (France, 1887-1971)

The tango

Drawing, gouache on pencil, sketch, 1914, 15 cm height





Demonstration of the tango for the pope Pius X

"The pope concluded that the tango consisted of ""barbarous contorsions""

Print, 1914





Kiev, Heinrich

Tango Print, drawing, 1914, Germany





The tango, comedy by Mr. and Mrs. Richepain

(Le tango, comédie de M. et Mme. Richepain)

Print, 1914, France





Cours de danse Lafitte

Tango argentin, le vrai tango parisien, maxixe brésilienne.

Drawing, sketch, advertisement, 1914, France





Ernest Desurmont (France, 1870-1930)

Tango tea (Thé tango)

Painting, 1914






Print, humor, caricature, 1915





Elie Nadelman (Poland, 1882-1946)


Drawing, lead pencil, pen, brush, wash, 1918 approx., 21 x 11 cm, U.S.A.





Elie Nadelman (Poland, 1882-1946)


Drawing, pen, brush and fountain-pen ink, 1918 approx., 10.5 x 8 cm, U.S.A.





Elie Nadelman (Poland, 1882-1946)


Sculpture, 1919, U.S.A.





Edouard Halouze (France, 1895-1958)

Tango Painting

1919, France





Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (Germany, 1880-1938)

Tango tea (Tangotee)

Painting, 1919, Germany





Periklis Vyzantios (Greece, 1893-1972)

The tango

Painting, oil on wood, 1919, 36 x 44 cm





Georges Barbier (France, 1882-1932)

Tango Painting






Edouard Malouze

The Parisian tango (Le tango parisien)

Print, lithograph, color, 1919






Print, lithograph, 1920 approx.





Xavier Sager (France, 1870-1930)

The tango (Le tango)

Print, lithograph, color, poster, 1920 approx.






Xavier Sager (France, 1870-1930)

Thanks for the tango (Merci pour le tango)

Print, lithograph, color, poster, 1920 approx.





Maury, C.

Dancing the tango (En tangotant)

Drawing, 1920 approx.





Tango scene

Print, woodcut, 1910 approx., 11.6 x 19.2 cm, Germany





Camillo Innocenti (Italy, 1871-1961)

The tango

Painting, watercolor and black pencil, 1920 approx., 62 x 53.5 cm

Signed at lower right, Argentina, Italy





Osvaldo Peruzzi (Italy, 1907-2004)

Tango - 1

Painting, oil on carton, 1920 approx., 41 x 33 cm

Signed at lower left, Italy





Osvaldo Peruzzi (Italy, 1907-2004)

Tango - 2

Painting, oil on carton, 1920 approx., 41 x 33 cm

Signed at lower right, Italy





Tango. Modern dance (Tango. Danza moderna)

Print, 1920 approx.

Greece, Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection





Xavier Sager (France, 1870-1930)

The tango (Le tango)

Print, lithograph, color, poster, 1920 approx.





The tango and other up-to-date dances

Print, lithograph, color, poster, 1920 approx.






Print, 1920 approx.





Tango scene

Drawing, 1920, Germany





Tango scene

Drawing, 1920, France





Xavier Sager (France, 1870-1930)

The tango (Le tango)

Print, lithograph, color, poster, 1920 approx.





M. Dudovica


Print, drawing, color, postcard, 1920 approx.

Greece, Athens, Alkis Raftis Collection






1920 approx.





 Zwei Plakate von Theo Matejko

1920, Berlin





Zwei Plakate von Theo Matejko

1920, Berlin



1901-1910                                                                                                                              1921-1930

Wednesday the 12th. Pictorial history of tango by Alkis Raftis